Gasification Consultancy

  • Biyokütle ve atık gazlaştırma proses bilgi birikimi
  • Biyokütle ve atık gazlaştırma tesisleri tasarlama ve kurma konusunda uzmanlık ve deneyim
  • Gazlaştırma proses patentleri
  • Yüksek Voltaj Plazma Gaz Temizleme Sistemi
  • Atıktan enerji üretimi alanında uluslararası piyasada Biyokütle ve Atık Gazlaştırma, Kombine Isı ve Enerji Santrallerine danışmanlık, projelendirme, devreye alma, işletme ve lisanslama hizmetleri.


GCL stands out in the waste-to-energy sector with the following expertise;

  • Biomass waste gasification process information
  • Practical experience of designing and installing biomass waste gasification plants
  • Gasification plant patents
  • High Voltage Plasma Gas Cleaning System
  • Consultancy, design, commissioning, operation and licensing services to Biomass and Waste Gasification, Combined Heat and Power Plants in the international waste to energy market.

GCL has applied its technology to several projects with a total capacity of 20.8 MW in different countries to date. The company continues discussions with project developers and investors on implementing its technology to projects in South Korea, Turkey, Qatar, Norway and Thailand.

GCL is redefining the way
we convert waste to energy…

GCL technology is the cleanest, most flexible and reliable way of utilising waste. It can convert low-value residuals into high-value commodities, such as chemicals and fertilizers, substitute natural gas, transportation fuels, electric power, steam, and hydrogen.


  • GCL provides the least-cost alternative for
    capturing CO2 when generating power.
  • GCL offers the opportunity to use readily available, renewable,
    domestic resources to replace costly, imported oil and natural gas from
    politically unstable regions of the world.
  • GCL provides increased domestic investment and jobs in industries that have
    been in decline because of high energy costs.
  • GCL offers a new path to energy development and consumption
    consistent with robust environmental stewardship.


Over 4 billion tons of waste are produced each year, but only 2% of its energy potential is currently utilised.

This creates a huge opportunity to turn this waste into clean, renewable energy. With GCL gasification process for recovering energy from unwanted waste, we can achieve:


GCL stands out in the waste-to-energy sector with the following expertise;

  • Biomass waste gasification process information
  • Practical experience of designing and installing biomass waste gasification plants
  • Gasification plant patents
  • High Voltage Plasma Gas Cleaning System
  • Consultancy, design, commissioning, operation and licensing services to Biomass and Waste Gasification, Combined Heat and Power Plants in the international waste to energy market.